Not something you would expect to see in a living room - especially one with four young children. I'll have to see how they co-exist in the same small area. But, at 12:15 a.m. last night the final touches of paint went on the giraffe I have nicknamed "Nesse". This morning I gave her some black hair on her tail, too. I couldn't be more pleased ... and releaved that she's done! Next project please

Inspiring! How many layers of papier-mache did you use? I love her long legginess. How many of your children have climbed up on her yet.....:)
This giraffe has mesmirized me. I would love to create one for our VBS this summer. Do you have a template for Nessie?
I would like to create a safari theme for my summer school and I came across this. I love it! Su h a masterpiece! Where do I even begin? Do you have any tips?
Grateful for any recommendations or guidance you may have.
Mrs. Diaz
Same here! I would like to do one for our ROAR VBS in August of this year.
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